North American Preparatory Regional Meeting for the Next World Congress

Merida (Yucatan – Mexico), from the 8th to the 10th of May 2019 

Organized by the North American Working group on Justice for Children (Juvenile Justice Initiative – USA, Colectivo Ave – Mexico and Terre des Hommes foundation), with Penal Reform International and the International Association of Youth and Family Judges and Magistrates, this regional conference will focus mainly on recent trends in the field of justice for children, in particular topics related to children in detention, as well as diversionary and alternative measures to deprivation of liberty. For more information see the attached concept note. 

This Regional Meetings are the result of the World Congress on Justice for Children which took place in Paris in May 2018 ( and aim to reflect an overview of regional priority themes in the promotion of a fairer justice for children, in preparation of the next World Congress on Justice for Children

The general sessions on May 8th and 9th were at the Supreme Court of Yucatan with the following programme: 

  • Wednesday, May 8th : general sessions focused on the Mexican juvenile justice system
  • Thursday, May 9th :  regional sessions examining juvenile justice in North America
  • Friday, May 10th: closed working group meeting in preparation for the next World Congress at the University Marista of Merida. 

The conference was free (travel and stay are not covered by organizers). 

A welcome cocktail was gently offered by Yucatan government and the Merida Town hall. 

For any further information or question contact Cedric Foussard (Advocacy and Global Learning Advisor – Terre des Hommes), in charge of the organization of the Next World Congress and the regional Pre-Congresses.