Regional Forum for Europe “Current juvenile Justice developments in Europe: towards a better use of alternatives”

29/05/2018 de 14:00 à 15:30

Moderator and Discussant : Valeriu Ghiletchi, Member of the Sub-Committee on Children of the Parliamentary Assembly, Council of Europe

“Exploring the Future of Juvenile Incarceration in the Netherlands Ministry of Justice and Security of the Netherlands.”

Jiske Lems, Ministry of Justice and Security, Netherlands.

“Youth Justice -system overview, challenges and reform.”

Clare Toogood, Director Youth Justice Policy, Ministry of Justice, UK.

“Protection of child during judicial trial as a result of cooperation between governmental institution and nongovernmental organisation”.

Mikolaj Pawel Pawlak, Department for Family and Juvenile Matters, Ministry of Justice, Poland.

“Key issues of the EU Directive 2016/800 on procedural safeguards for children and its added value.”

Ingrid Breit, DG Justice and Consumers, Criminal Procedural Law, European Commission.